Ajankohta: 1.12.2022 torstai

Looking to expand your network?

+ Meet the Oulu Talent Hub ambassadors!

As we draw closer to the end of yet another eventful year, Oulu Talent Hub is organizing the last networking event of 2022 on the 1st of December at BusinessAsema (Hallituskatu 36, Oulu) from 17.00–19.00.

Grow your network! Meet and mingle with our talented ambassadors and others.

Hear Chiara’s, Niyati’s, Sharmin’s and Moustafa’s stories and opportunities over some quick snacks and coffee.

International and Finnish networks are invited to attend. We welcome entrepreneurs, professionals, artists, researchers, students, job-seekers, and anyone else living or passing by Oulu.

Come join us and make new connections while having a good time.

Register today here: lyyti.fi/reg/Networking_