Guidance Service available every weekday

Guidance Services Direct you to the right service provider

General guidance with employment and business issues on weekdays between 12 noon and 3 p.m.

You also have the opportunity to meet our pop up advisors without an appointment according to the schedule.

Customer service hours via telephone 08 558 558 10 available on weekdays 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.

Guidance Services general guidance is closed 14.6.2024

We offer job seekers early stage support, advising and guidance with both employment and business issues. Together with our advisor, you can search for the services that suit you the best and get support in matters concerning employment and training.

Advisors from BusinessOulu business services provide counselling for changes of ownership and starting and growing companies with e.g. financial planning or internationalisation.

International House Oulu

IH Oulu gathers different guidance services under the same roof. Services are targeted at international newcomers and immigrants, and also companies planning to recruit international people. We are located at BusinessAsema.

Service hours: Monday–Friday 9 a.m.–3 p.m.

Remote guidance with employment and business issues

You can find more specific information about the available services and their descriptions in the appointment calendar.

Remote councelling is on break from beginning of June to end of July.

Services without appointment

Services on Mondays

Services on Tuesdays

Services on Wednesdays

Services on Thursdays

  • OSKE employment counselling for non-Finnish speakers 9 a.m. – 12 noon. On break 24.6.-2.8.2024
  • Immigration services in Oulu 9-10 a.m.
  • General counselling for Ukrainians 9-11 a.m. On break 8.7.- 9.8.2024
  • Business Mentors 8-9 a.m. On break 17.6.-30.8.2024
  • Digi-skills for job search 12 noon-3 p.m.
  • Pohde – Social services to support immigration
    9 a.m. – 12 noon. On break 1.-30.8.2024
  • Startup Refugees twice a month (on uneven weeks) 12 noon – 3 p.m. On break 1.-30.8.2024
  • Finance counselling twice a month (on even weeks) 1-4 p.m. You can also get advice by calling. tel.  040 191 7225 or email: In August 2024 only telephone service 040 191 7225.

Services on Fridays

General Couselling for Ukrainians

Oulun osaamiskeskus OSKE:n yleisneuvontaa ukrainalaisille

Консультація OSKE з питань працевлаштування працює з 9 до 11 ранку в BusinessAsema за адресою Hallituskatu 36B.

Консультація OSKE – це безкоштовна послуга для іммігрантів що проживають в Оулу, які мають запитання щодо роботи чи навчання.
Ви шукаєте роботу і потребуєте допомоги? Ми допоможемо вам у пошуку роботи. Ви можете отримати індивідуальну підтримку та допомогу в наступних питаннях, наприклад:

  • пошук роботи
  • пошук пробної роботи
  • оформлення заявки на роботу
  • укладення договору пробної роботи
  • подання заявки на навчання
  • навчання на робочому місці
  • підготовка CV.

Ми адаптуємо наші послуги відповідно до ваших побажань і потреб.

Instructions for remote counselling

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