Logo: Oulu. Logo: European Union, European Regional Development Fund, European Social Fund. Logo: Leverage from the EU 2014-2020


Opening hours

BusinessAsema’s guidance service is open weekdays 12 noon – 3 pm.

Customer service hours via tel. 08 558 558 10 are on weekdays 9 am to 11 am.

International House Oulu is open on weekdays 9 am–3 pm. Services without appointment are available according to the schedule.

  • Remote councelling (by appointment) is on a break from beginning of June to end of July


Консультація OSKE з питань працевлаштування працює з 9 до 11 ранку в BusinessAsema за адресою Hallituskatu 36B. Консультація OSKE – це безкоштовна послуга для іммігрантів що проживають в Оулу, які мають запитання щодо роботи чи навчання.

Ви шукаєте роботу і потребуєте допомоги? Ми допоможемо вам у пошуку роботи.

a meeting place for all

At BusinessAsema, employment and employees meet in an environment that offers handy options for developing your personal expertise as well as your business. Remote work in the free open workspaces, take a peek into FabLab and take part in events!

BusinessAsema’s guidance services guide you to the service you want. BusinessAsema also has pop-up services available every day without appointment. For companies, BusinessAsema is a platform to try, test, and co-create their solutions. Starting entrepreneurs are served by Oulun seudun Uusyrityskeskus.

2000 m². open workspaces. 6 conference rooms. FabLab. 3D printers.

Book a space

In addition to our freely usable spaces, BusinessAsema has meeting and event facilities which are rentable until 16th of August 2024. For more information please contact BusinessAsema’s info desk or email to tilavaraukset@businessasema.com

BusinessAsema FabLab

FabLab’s high technology is available to all

FabLab is a digital fabrication workshop and prototype laboratory where you can make almost anything. In FabLab you can find a laser and vinyl cutters, 3D printers, milling and sewing machines, for example. FabLab is open to all, free of charge.

Fab lab



Service Providers At BusinessAsema

Fab Lab
Oulun seudun uusyrityskeskus
International House Oulu
Simhe OAMK
4H Oulu
Oulun Innoaatioallianssi